Science shows Jesus' example leads to a stronger intellect and better problem solving.
July 22, 2023

A recently published study in Psychological Research, led by Professor Carola Salvi, sheds fascinating light on the interconnection between social attitudes and cognitive abilities. Remarkably, this connection resonates deeply with the principles we uphold as followers of Christ – compassion, inclusion and love for all. I'd like to share some insights from this study and illustrate their relevance in a Christian context.
Salvi's study unveils a robust relationship between social and cognitive rigidity, underscoring that those with inflexible political and social attitudes tend to be weaker in problem-solving. The study measures social rigidity in terms of intolerance, conservatism, and xenophobia.Â
This finding reminds us of a tale from a small village where two farmers lived side by side. One farmer was known for his open-mindedness and willingness to try new farming techniques, while the other was rigid and stuck to his traditional farming methods.Â
A severe drought hit their region. The open-minded farmer adapted to the challenging circumstances by implementing water-conserving farming methods he had learned from neighboring villages. In contrast, the rigid farmer stubbornly clung to his traditional ways, refusing to learn or implement new methods. As a result, the open-minded farmer's crops survived the drought, while the rigid farmer's fields withered away. This simple parable illustrates the consequences of rigid vs. flexible thinking and the importance of being open to new ideas - in essence, the importance of cognitive flexibility.
This tale resonates deeply with Jesus' teachings about compassion, tolerance, and inclusion. In the parable of the Good Samaritan (Luke 10:25-37), Jesus underscores that everyone, regardless of their social or ethnic identity, deserves compassion and assistance. The Samaritan, who traditionally would have been an enemy, displays compassion and tolerance, breaking free from rigid thinking and social expectations.
The research also throws light on absolutism - an intolerance for ambiguity - as a contributor to cognitive rigidity. This intolerance of differing opinions is at odds with the spirit of Romans 14:1, where Paul urges us to accept those with differing beliefs without argument.
An interesting subgroup emerged from Salvi's study - individuals with liberal ideologies but high receptivity for false information and overclaiming, implying they were prone to believing in pseudo-profound statements and exaggerating their knowledge. Their performance in problem-solving tasks was surprisingly poor. This phenomenon aligns with Paul's warning in 2 Timothy 4:3-4 about those who seek teachers who simply affirm their existing beliefs rather than challenging them with the truth.
In essence, both the Bible and Professor Salvi's research promote the same message: Compassion, tolerance, and inclusion make us smarter, happier, and more effective. They enable us to approach problems creatively, view situations from different perspectives, and foster personal and community growth.
As part of our church community, we must embody these values, transforming our minds to not conform to the world but to align with Christ's teachings. We are committed to nurturing an environment that values compassion, tolerance, and inclusion, fostering minds capable of flexible, creative, and empathetic thinking.
In this interweaving of modern psychological research with ancient biblical wisdom, we see a powerful reaffirmation of timeless values. May we all embody these values in our daily lives, growing into better people and problem solvers.