Beloved Community, as we stand together in the light of God’s truth and grace, we acknowledge the journey of many among us who have been wounded by exclusion and judgment, abuse and abandonment. By our families, by society, and indeed by religious institutions, leaders and their followers. Today, we seek to heal the harm caused by the failure to demonstrate Your love to all Your children and affirm our commitment to love and inclusivity. In this Prayer of Transformation, we not only recognize the pain inflicted by historical injustices within the broader church but also embrace our role in healing and moving forward in unity as one body of Christ.
One: For times when the church has turned away from the love and acceptance commanded by Christ, and in doing so, has caused deep hurt and division,
Many: We seek forgiveness and commit to walking a new path of inclusion and compassion.
One: For every word spoken, every action taken, and every silence maintained that has contributed to the feelings of rejection and alienation experienced by LGBTQ+ individuals,
Many: We ask for forgiveness and the courage to speak and act with love and truth.
One: For the times we have failed to listen, to understand, and to protect those in need of our support and advocacy,
Many: We ask for forgiveness and pledge to be listeners, allies, and defenders of all who come seeking a spiritual community where they can be embraced.
One: And though we at this church have long welcomed our LGBTQ+ siblings into this, Your house, we pledge to expand that welcome beyond these walls into our communities, bringing your message of radical love and healing through your grace to all those who need it.
Many: Together, we affirm our commitment to be a community of love, where every person is recognized as a reflection of the divine, where every voice is heard, and every story is honored. Help us, O God, to live out this truth in our actions and relationships, each day, more fully than the last.
Words of Promise
Beloved community, God empowers our hearts and our mouths to take God’s love into the world. Be assured that our confessions are heard, and our intentions are blessed by God’s unending grace. Let us walk together in peace, enriched by the infinite, beautiful diversity of all God's children.