Sermon: Sacred Journey - CONNECTION - How to Have Grace-Filled Relationships during Election Season
Bridging difficult differences can only be done by understanding the different moral foundations that drive each of us.
Sermon: Sacred Journey - CONNECTION - How to Have Grace-Filled Relationships during Election Season
Whole Lives Matter: Embracing Intersectionality in a Complex World
Children's Message: Finding the Right Path with God's Help (based on Proverbs 2:2-6 and 3:5-6)
The Wisdom of "Praise Allah and Tie Your Camel to the Post"
Bridging the Gap: Harnessing Corporate Expertise for Ministry Excellence
Children's Ministry: "The Power of Spiritual Community"
A Response to Systemic Racism: our Decentering Whiteness Podcast
The Heroine's Journey: The Barbie Sermon
Embracing the Beauty of Diversity: Becoming a Church of Extravagant Welcome